Responsible Business

Ethical, sustainable & responsible business

Business can and should have a positive impact on the world. To us responsible business is not just a matter of policy; it’s an attitude, a mind-set, a way of working and thinking. It’s about actions, operational practices and the decisions we make on a daily basis.

Embedding our corporate and social responsibility policies into our business helps mecscomms to maintain the professional, ethical, moral and legal obligations placed upon us and which we put on ourselves.

Responsible business means 

We fully uphold our commitment to do what is right with regards to:

Anti-bribery and anti-corruption
Charity and community 
Diversity, equality & inclusion 
Ethical business 
Governance and human rights 
Health and wellbeing 
Paying fair taxes 
Sustainable and transparent business practices
The environment and climate change

Our belief is that tomorrow’s successful businesses are those who are operating to the highest; ethical, moral, environmental, and social standards, today.

Trust and transparency

Trust is never just given is always earnt. It takes time to build, seconds to lose and forever to repair. Once we have won your trust we will never jeopardise it.

The success of mecscomms  is as a result of the trust we enjoy from our stakeholders be they clients, candidates, colleagues, partners, suppliers or society as a whole. Earning and maintaining the respect of those stakeholders is imperative for our continued commercial success. Moreover, it feels good to do the right thing.

mecscomms has built its reputation by being open, honest, transparent, reliable, fair and professional in our approach. We will always act with integrity to ensure our stakeholders receive the quality of service and high standards which has become synonymous with our brand and the provision of our solutions.

Anti–bribery and anti–corruption

It is our policy to conduct business in an honest and ethical manner. We are committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all business dealings and relationships.

To this end mecscomms take a zero tolerance approach to bribery, corruption and the giving and receiving of bribes. We constantly uphold all laws relating to anti-bribery and corruption in all the jurisdictions in which we operate.